Friday, January 8, 2010 write or not to write?

Wow...that was a lame title. Also not counting the fact that Hamlet's famous saying was actually contemplating suicide...>.>

ANYWAYS, so I just recently "skimmed" through this book and it said one of the things I should do before I finish high school was write a manifesto. Well, my friend suggested it first after a I started ranting about the stupidity of wanting world peace. At first, I said, "...what's a manifesto?" After learning what it actually is, I decided to give it a try. So far, it looks like a mess of words. An organized mess of words but nevertheless....a mess of words.

So I'm still thinking about whether I shuld continue it or not. I mean, how awesome would it be to say that I wrote a manifesto? But I'm stuck and I just can't find the time. -sigh- I'll figure something out...I hope.

1 comment:

  1. I thought a manifest was destiny. sounds like a pasta. :)

    You should try to write it. Do it while you're "blanking out" on YIM conferences!
