Monday, June 8, 2009

Day Three continued

Hehe, I already have more!

1) To add on to the list of symptoms: stomach flu or some other kind of stomach problems. I actually get that everywhere I go but I have a feeling that with the food I eat here, the chances are going to increase.

2) Everyone smokes. And I mean, everyone. I think from high school on, you can smoke. Probably one of the reasons why I should get those face masks thing.

3) A lot of people have colored hair. Out of all of the girls I have seen, about 3/500 have natural hair colors. The guys? Well, it's more like 25/500. Apparently, they don't like their natural hair colors...I fit in!

4) I actually made this observation a long time ago but I forgot to mention it: I skipped cool is that? XD

Once again, more to come. Hehe...I might actually keep up with this two per day thingy. =D

1 comment:

  1. Taiwan's supposed to be relatively clean, so...idk. Rent a health inspector or something. lol, but seriously, I hope you stay well =]

    Yeah, I don't see why so many people want to turn their hair orange or's just odd.

    Aww, Friday's the best day of the week though! lol, but I guess every day's good when it's summer.
