Saturday, June 6, 2009


After spending about two days in Taiwan, I have made several observations:

1) Taiwanese bus drivers are really good. I mean, crazily insane good. Whenever they make a turn, it looks like they're about to hit a motorcycle or another car but they don't! No scratch, no accident, nothing!

2) I'm going to have a killer migrane by the end of this trip. In Taiwan, there are way too many sounds. Between the honking, buzzing, humming, and loud motorcycle engines, I'm going to drive myself crazy.

3) I will have heat rash...again. Happens every single time, even in the winter. Probably the humidity.

4) My feet will have awesome mileage when I get back to CA. Everyday, it's walk, walk, walk. Walk to lunch, walk to shop, walk to visit, walk to dinner, walk to buy dessert, walk to nearest bus station, etc.

5) Books are no longer safe. I brought 5 books with me. In two days, I finished 4 1/2. And I'm here for two weeks...Time to go book shopping!

That's all for now but I'm pretty sure as soon as I learn how to access the blog the easy way, I'll post some more...maybe a lot more. XD


  1. Oh, dude, I didn't know you were already there!

    Hope you're having fun (despite the future migraine and all)! BTW, what's a heat rash? I've never heard of that.

  2. Haha...yep! Already in Taiwan.

    A heat rash is technically a rash but it happens when your skin overheats and it gets really itchy. See, just like a rash XD!

  3. Ohh, I see! That makes a lot more sense. Cool, I guess? lol It must be unique.
